Free time

Sledding Ždiar, Belianske Tatry

Sánkovanie Ždiar – to je skvelý spôsob, ako stráviť voľný čas počas vašej dovolenky v Ždiari, Belianske Tatry. Zoznámte sa s možnosťami sánkovania v Ždiari počas zimnej sezóny 2023/24. Pozývame vás na sánkovačku v Ski centrum Strednica, kde nájdete aj našu lyžiarsku školu. 

Sledding in Ždiar - how to do it?

Spending a holiday in Ždiar is always full of experiences. This makes the experiences even greater when the holiday is spent with the children. However, during such holidays, it is necessary to think in advance about the activities for them. One way to use this time is sledding. The toboggan run in Ždiar is time-tested. Kids love her very much. Ždiar has an environment that is perfect for sledding. Read our tips for sledding in Ždiar. You can get more information about the possibilities of sledding in Ždiar from your accommodation. For current snow conditions, contact us at tel. no .:  0908 266 925.

Tobogganing Ždiar - where to go sledding in Ždiar?

We recommend that you take the first step in finding out which place you are sitting on. Whatever you find on the Internet may be true in most cases, but it is not over when people who live in Ždiar and know the area very well will answer this question. We also offer some tips:
sánkovačka ždiar
Sánovačka Ždiar, Strednica

Where can I rent sledges, bobsleighs or gliders in Ždiar?

In every accommodation you will find in Ždiar, you will be happy to deal with, where you can deal, or you can deal with. Some of the accommodation even themselves this service are - either you directly sledge (or beans and gliders) will lend them or they will be very happy to direct you where they have this service in Ždiar. Our tip is <a SKIRENT ski rental Ždiar 400 , where you are willing to sled, or beans lend of products
- 10%
if you refer to our ski school. The price for renting a sledge per day is 5 euros.

Sledding safety

Dear our sledders, take care of your own safety and the safety of children on the slope. Believe that sledding or bobsledding is also a sport that has its rules . These rules are primarily security. First of all, please find out if sledding is really suitable and safe for the place you have chosen. The advice we give you in this article about suitable places for sledding are our tips on where to have fun on a sled in Ždiar.
Sánkovanie Ždiar
Sánkovanie Ždiar, Strednica, Belianske Tatry

Sánkovanie Ždiar – rezervácia

We are glad that you decided for sledding in Ždiar. Rent a sledge, come to our Ski school and enjoy a toboggan run in Ždiar. Whether you decide for our ski center Strednica, or Ski center Strachan, Bachledova dolina, or Monkova dolina, we believe that you will really enjoy your winter vacation in Ždiar.
Sledding Ždiar can also be booked at our ski school. The method is similar to skiing. The only difference is that booking a sled is mainly about counseling in which specific places this activity is most suitable. The main reason why it is good to ask which place is suitable is that you and your children have complete comfort when sledding. We can advise you on places that are not overcrowded and at the same time still have a wonderful environment and good conditions for sledding Ždiar during the winter season 2022/23.